Monday, July 6, 2009

Birth certificate

WE got it!!! We received Hamilton's birth certificate during the night, it is Monday night in China now. So we can send the last bit of paper work to Immigration in Washington today. It will then be sent to Ghanzou, China. Then, the embassy in Ghazou will give us travel approval. Finally, we will get to travel to meet our third child. Please pray for speed and no bumps. This is a new process, so we are praying that we send everything they need the first time. We do not want delays to resend missing information. I will continue to keep you updated as we move ahead! Thanks for your prayers,

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited I can hardly stand it. My joy is mixed with tears! I just can't quit crying. It is so hard to believe this journey is about to end with you meeting Hamilton and bringing him home. What wonderful news to begin our week! Love you, mom
